The roles of consciousness development in social conflicts

NOTE: This website has scarcely been updated during the last ten years . . .
Take a look at my LinkedIn page if you want a glimpse of what I have been up to more recently (including articles in English):


The main purpose of this site is to make some manuscripts available to interested readers. Some of them
are preliminary versions, and I would appreciate your reactions and comments.

If you would like to comment on the material at this site or talk about the issues raised, please send me a note:
If you are curious about me, there is a short biographical sketch.
Below are links to articles and longer texts. In the section Other resources I have posted a selection of my most substantial posts to a couple of listserv list, as well as some brief preliminary texts.

Available texts (Aug 2002)


Below you find some of the sites I find worthwhile. They are grouped under the following headings:
  • Engaged spirituality
  • Conflict resolution
  • Adult development, transpersonal psychology and transformative methods
  • Personal homepages
  • Other sites.


    Engaged spirituality

    Buddhist Peace Foundation

    Spiral Dynamics

    Fellowship of Reconciliation

    Foundation for Ethics and Meaning (Politics of Meaning)

    Tikkun Magazine

    Center for Partnership
    Riane Eisler, David Loye

    Awakening Earth HomePage
    Duane Elgin

    Global Renaissance Alliance

    The Earthstewards Network
    In the spirit of Danaan Parry.

    Foundation Global Ethic

    Includes an interesting article on the emergence of an integral culture

    Forge Institute


    Conflict resolution

    Center for Non-Violent Communication
    Marshall Rosenberg

    Communications for a Sustainable Future, Colorado
    This is a very large site with material on peace, conflict resolution and much more.

    Mediation Information and Resource Center
    Also a large site.

    Society for Professionals in Dispute Resolution

    Program on Negotiation
    This site presents the Program on Negotiation at Harward Law School. Here you can obtain a large number of roleplay cases.

    S. Kaufman's Resources in Conflict Management, for research, teaching and practice
    This website offers a large number of conflict-related links. Recommended.

    The Mennonite Central Committee
    A lot of material on mediation and conflict resolution.

    Compassionate Listening & Reconciliation

    Online Journal of Peace and Conflict Resolution

    Readings in Dispute Resolution: A Selected Bibliography

    Adult development, transpersonal psychology and transformative methods

    Guide to the Transpersonal Internet

    Journal of consciousness studies

    Friends of Andrew Cohen

    What is Enlightenment?
    This journal, associated with Andrew Cohen, has lots of really good articles and interviews online.

    Jean Houston's Mystery School

    Bill Torbert's homepage
    Bill Torbert has learned from developmental psychology and spiritual approaches, and put them to work for transformation of organizations and leaders. This site includes several very interesting articles.

    Explores "flow" in the spirit of Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi.

    Rosen Institute Home Page
    A brief introduction to the Rosen method of bodywork.

    The Society for Research in Adult Development

    Consortium for Research on Emotional Intelligence in Organizations

    The Diamond approach/Almaas

    John Heron
    John Heron is an original, articulate and sometimes provoking person, exploring ways of integrating spirituality and collaborative inquiry. He has published several books, including "Feeling and Personhood" and "Sacred science. Person-centered inquiry into the spiritual and the subtle."

    New Dimension articles
    An archive of articles and interviews around spirituality and social issues. Recommended!

    Shambhala Sun
    This is the website of the magazine Shambhala Sun. Contains some articles, interviews and excerpts from articles on spirituality.

    Integrative Explorations. Journal of Culture and Consciousness
    This site is related to the International Jean Gebser Society.

    Teaching Tools For Mindfulness Training

    Frank Visser's website on Ken Wilber
    A growing site of Wilber-related material. Includes a very comprehensive interview with Ken Wilber.

    Nonduality, Nondualism: The Varieties of Expression

    Saybrook Graduate School Home Page

    Personal homepages

    Phil Servedio: The Spiritual Process of Awakening

    Craig Chalquist: Cain's Self-exploration Site
    A very large and somewhat spectacular site.

    Jay Earley

    Victor MacGill

    Gus diZerega


    Other sites

    Shambhala Forums: Ken Wilber
    A discussion board for people with some kind of relationship to Ken Wilbers publications. Bring some patience along if you go there (it might pay off, though).

    The Noetic Cafe

    Leopold Szondi Forum
    A website dedicated to the great psychologist Leopold Szondi. Offers many texts in different languages.

    Self Improvement Online
    If you like browsing through links, and don't mind a certain lack of discernment, try this.

    International Listening Association

    The url for this page is:

    Last updated on January 14, 2005